Commission Tiers & Prices
PRICES VARY DEPENDING ON: Complexity, Level of Detail, Special Requests, Deadlines
★ Tier 1: Sketches
Your character(s) drawn with or without colour/background, either in a singular sketch or a sketch page.
♦ Uncoloured/Black and White -- $20
♦ Coloured -- $30
♢ Add Shading -- +$20
♢ Add simple background -- +$20
♢ Additional Sketch -- +$15
♢ +$5 per additional character
♢ +$10 per additional sketch
★ Tier 2: Headshot
A Headshot drawing of your character(s) with clean lines and colour. Background is up to your preference!
♦ Flat Colours - $40
♦ Shaded (Cell-shading or Soft-shading) - $55
★ Tier 3: Bust
A Bust-level drawing of your character(s) with clean lines and colour.
♦ Flat Colours - $70
♦ Shaded (Cell-shading or Soft-shading) - $100
♢ Add simple background: +$15
♢ +$10 per additional character
★ Tier 4: Cleaned-up Full-body
A full-body drawing of your character(s) with clean lines and colour. Background not available.
♦ Flat Colours - $80
♦ Shaded (Cell-shading or Soft-shading) - $120
♢ +$20 per additional character
★ Tier 5: Illustration
A fully-rendered illustration of your character(s)
♦ Price: - $150 ~ $500
♢ +$35 per additional character